

The Many Layers of Paint

The paint atelier was created in response to listening to children’s many languages of expression. A room to be fully free, to express, to explore and engage with the medium of paint and one another. A space with no adult-imposed rules, no restrictions, no limits. A room to deepen relationships, connections and meaning making. 

More than a room – a truly beautiful symbol for connections, relationships, trust and respect.

With each group of children, with each stroke of paint, relationships deepened among space, material, child and educator, each layer is added, deepened and responded to. The children’s marks, the layer of paint left for another to be in relation with and respond to. The room, the paint, the space children and educator engaged in relations and dialogues. There are conversations between the stokes, conversations among the marks and conversations some said, and some left unsaid.

The layers become very symbolic; metaphors for teaching and learning. These layers of paint representing beliefs and values, each stroke of paint a symbol; representing a philosophy of teaching that encompasses relationships, connections, belonging, permission, trust, freedom, joy etc.

The space, a symbol conveying our held beliefs. The layers of paint also began to reveal some challenging feelings, hesitations and pauses, for some dare not enter the space of freedoms and possibilities.

It was always more than just paint…

The space is an opportunity to explore these beliefs, values and feelings. To explore the hesitations we encounter. It is an opportunity to share space and perhaps values that may not always align. It is an opportunity to explore tensions, disagreements with others in mess, freedom, exploration and saying YES and truly being with and following children in their explorations of self and others.
The room is a place and space for dialogue and exchange. Perhaps more than just a paint room. To explore this space and what it conveys, the messages it sends and our feelings and beliefs around this type of play; this type of expression. It can be difficult and relies on many layers. There can be points of contention  but on the other end, endless possibilities and change.
In many ways, this space can be seen as a catalyst for change… 
What spaces and places can we open to invite dialogues, tensions and possibilities to emerge?
How might we see possibilities in new ways of encountering materials and one another?
How might we create space for the other?

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